The Road To Greater Things Often Comes With Costs

April 13, 2014

We've been working to maintain our cost of living and getting out of my parents house these past months, though I decided today to leave my job at the nursing home. I really did not want to quit, I know we need the money but emotionally and physically I was not there. At the job we were always short. I was actually the only person who had stayed in that position since 6 months ago, though now that I'm gone, they haven't had anyone stay since then.

I talked it over with Rex and my parents and they said it would be best for me to leave. They could see that it was taking a toll on me. The work I was doing there was not like it was 10 years ago when I was working at a nursing home and the pace just seemed so fast. I was mad at myself that I could not keep up, I really felt out of place many times that I was there. Some of my co-workers remembered that they had to crawl before they could walk and assured me I was doing well, but it was the late nights and some of the others, who seemed upset with me that I could not keep up, that lead me to leave. The pay was little as well.

I was hoping to secure another position before I left, but emotionally I was drained. The job was affecting my health too. I had not gotten my period the whole month I was there. I took two pregnancy tests which came back negative. I still have haven't gotten my period. I was seriously stressing so much about that job.

I definitely don't want to make a habit of quitting. My thesis I wanted to just do away with so many times, but I know I must keep going with that. I'm thankful Rex still has his job. He goes an hour away to Allentown. It's far but it pays pretty well. The moral is that we must do what we can to make a living but if it is affecting our health we really have to think about it. Rex did have to leave the two jobs when he was experiencing his symptoms with anxiety attacks. He has been doing better managing his symptoms. I know this another bump in the road. For now we have to take May out of daycare until we can get some more money. It was hard leaving her there, especially the first day. We might try for something less expensive too.

I am also thankful to still have the job at middle school where I create articles on the data collected from the students. It generates some income. I'm also doing little things here and there like taking surveys. I know we'll find something we both really enjoy doing. It might take a while. For now we'll keep searching and realize that the road to something greater might come with some costs. 

This article on the signs it's time to leave your job helped me see things clearer too.

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