Handful of Happiness

April 25, 2014

May has always been a happy child and she's even happier now she can reach to more places. Her reaching to more places is becoming much more watching and a handful of trouble for the rest of us. It's good though that she's exploring her surroundings more.

If she isn't climbing in the living room chair, she's shaking the gate that separates her from the kitchen and the dining room. Or if she isn't trying to bother the cat, she banging her green wooden alligator on the table. Hehe. She's a very busy little 16 month old. May loves walk around in circles too.

May is also starting to put words together too. When Rex walks through the door, she says, "Hi, Dad," or when I walk down the stairs she'll say "Hi, Mom." She knows the number two now. We're trying to teach her shapes and colors. I'm not sure what her favorite color is yet but I have a feeling it might be green. I'm saying this because of wooden alligator I mentioned earlier. The board she gets the alligator from has different animals of various colors and she plays with the alligator the most now. Before it was the yellow giraffe. It might be because the alligator and giraffe are long too and more narrow.

I'll be heading to Howard next week to put the final edits to my thesis together and handing in the required documents to the graduate school for graduation next month. I know I'm really cutting it close. Not living in Maryland has made it very hard to get the documents in as well as not having the means to go down there. My program is actually helping me get back to the school at least for next week, by providing a hotel room and reimbursement.

We may be going to Allentown tomorrow to check out the area around there. Rex is still pushing through, getting up early and working out there. He said it's cold in the place he works and we got him a sweater to wear not too long ago. He's still in a 6 month probationary period before we can get benefits. He is getting experience though, he said the machine he uses can't stop for more than a few minutes. It's a very large factory he works at.  I've been taking a different approach to my job searching. I've actually downloaded a lot of job seeker e-books for the Kindle for free.  (I've been downloading so many e-books for the Kindle, using the Kindle app on my phone recently.) There's a program called the Jersey Job club, that my mom referred me too. I'm going to go to a workshop session for that next week and they have other job workshop development workshops for the rest of the month as well. In the meantime though, I'll be keeping my eye on May. For most of my writing of this entry she's been quietly watching Tinkerbell on Netflix but not I see she's walking around holding her sippy cup filled with one hand and a bib in her mouth. Oh joy :-)

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