Moving to PA?

April 09, 2014

We might be in for some big changes these next few weeks. Rex is doing well at his job though it's an hour from my parents place. We are really thinking about moving out that way. He has to be at work at 5 am. and basically leave from the house around 3:30 am. The time he leaves is not set. He can't go home until everyone is done. It looks like the time might be 3 pm but it could be even longer than that and he might not get home until much later. He's working in Allentown, PA.

May did well for her first day at daycare, her caregivers said. She even took a nap while she was there! When I dropped her off today she was upset. I know she is in good hands at the daycare though, they are so reassuring. It's such a nice daycare center too. Yesterday, I stayed home with her, I had off. She was so active. She is getting more and more active each day. The makeshift barriers we have around the house are no match for her any more. She's smart enough to open latches and climb over chairs. We're thinking of getting a gate now.

There's a lot of different routes we can take though. Rex's job does pay more and is full-time with benefits in the following months. My job varies from part-time to full-time, with no benefits. We always seem to be short and one person pretty much has to do two to three jobs on top of their own. The CNAs are either being fired or quitting which makes it harder to get the meals out on time. I've been there for over a month now and only once I can home around 8 pm. That's when my shift is supposed to end for the night shift. Every other time I seem to get off more around 8:30 and beyond, the latest was 9:09. It's hard for Rex and my parents because we are still trying to get May to go to sleep around 8 and most of the time, she doesn't go to sleep until I come home. The day shift is a little bit more better and there's more hours with that shift as well.

We are really discussing our next steps. I've been looking for jobs around Allentown and Rex is waiting to here back from a job around were my parents are. We know we definitely want to move out of my parents house. Though May is a daycare, we still can enroll her another daycare where we are more going to stay. We've been trying to get back on our feet since we had to move out back in December and though it's a bit a way, we might be headed towards that way. Rex has the more stable job and we both agreed that whoever gets the more stable job, we'll go there. We both know that the job I'm at won't been even a year. There is so much more than 10 years ago. For Rex to keep the job, we should move closer. I commuted one summer semester an 1 hour from my home in South Jersey to my school in North Jersey and it was a lot.

Next week I also hope to defend my thesis as well. That has been a bag of mixed emotions but one thing I definitely want to do is finish what I started. One thing I've learned along the way is that you may head down one road but there might be a curve. The curve might be smooth but in many times its rough. You may be weak and weary after the curve but just keep moving forward. Eventually there will be a brighter day. 

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