May's First Snow

December 09, 2013

Yesterday was May's first time in the snow! The snowstorm passed through yesterday dumping a little over two inches here in Laurel. Other parts of Maryland got over five inches. When the snow first started around 10 am, I opened up the blinds so May could see. She looked interested for a few minutes. She pointed at the window and said "call." I waited until there was more snow on the ground and around 2 pm, I dressed May up in her warm jacket, boots, pants and hat. May and I went out in the backyard and she looked at all the snow on the ground. She put out her hand to collect some of the snow as well. We didn't stay out for too long. It was really cold outside. Rex didn't get back from Baltimore until much later that day. He left before the storm to meet a friend who is helping us with our apartment situation. As the storm got worse he got stuck in Baltimore with his friend. I kept in contact with him throughout the storm and was happy to know that he was safe where he was and also that he got home safe.

In four more days we'll be celebrating May's birthday. Actually yesterday, one year ago was my original due date. May was still snug inside the womb then. It's amazing how fast she's growing and she's developing her personality every day. Here's Miss Little One.

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  1. Such a cute baby! She's adorable! Glad she had fun on her first snow experience:)

    Xoxo, Aaliyah

  2. Hi Aaliyah,

    Thanks! Yeah she had a great time in the snow. It snowed today as well and we got a chance to take her out. The snow can be so much fun at times :-)

