Birthday Wishes and Update

December 06, 2013

Today is Rex's birthday!!! It's a bit rainy outside but we celebrated the morning with a nice home-cooked breakfast, then we went out to Denny's for lunch. May was sleeping when we got to the Denny's but as we finished eating she woke up and was pointing at the lights. Later today we'll probably just relax and watch a movie on the Netflix.

It's nice to spend this time together, especially what's been going on these past few weeks. He is starting to feel better, but still has some of the affects the anxiety. We know it'll take some time gaining more control of the symptoms, and we'll be together side by side during the process of how to gain more control. We're also in the process of looking for more affordable housing. We've been living were we are now for a little over a year but it's too much at this point considering our financial situation. We are so thankful for friends and family who are helping us through this.

Exactly one week from now will be May's 1st birthday. Wow she's almost a year old.  We're going to try to do something special for her birthday. My parents will also be coming down from NJ, and will be taking her for the weekend. It might take her a little bit to get used to being up there without us for a day but I know that she'll get comfortable and she's been her grandparent's house before.

Many more birthdays are coming up and of course it's the holiday season. This is my favorite time of year and even though we won't be gifting much this year, the love and support of family and friends is more than what we could even ask for.

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