Starting Solids
June 30, 2013
It's been a few weeks since May has started solid foods and it's been exciting seeing what she likes and dislikes. We introduced her to regular rice cereal at first. We mixed it with breast milk. She hated that. I read afterward comment online where someone wrote, "Have you ever tried rice cereal? It's horrible, no wonder babies hate it." I knew then that we would have to mix it more with just breast milk. I gave her the rice cereal first because the pediatrician recommended that we give the cereal so she could get more iron. I did some searching online and found the rice cereal with banana and apple already mixed in. We got that and she loved it. We waited a few days before introducing new foods. So far she has not had an allergic reaction to any of the foods we've introduced to her.
May has tried carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, bananas, oatmeal with peaches, and peaches, in that order. Now one thing I wish I would have researched more about the BRAT diet. That's bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. The diet is to help with diarrhea. Well May did not have diarrhea and in fact had the reverse. We stopped giving her the rice cereal has a result and switched to oatmeal with peaches. We also gave her prune juice. We're keeping a close eye on what we introduce to her now and we'll be sticking with the p's like peaches, pears, and peas. In regard to the foods she liked, she loved the rice cereal with banana and apple, carrots, bananas, peaches, and oatmeal with peaches. She did not like squash or sweet potatoes. She closed her mouth to those. We're thinking we'll try to re-introduce the sweet potatoes when she gets older.
Some signs that we saw her to to kind of signal to us she was ready for solid foods was that she can support herself while sitting and transfer objects from one hand to the other. She was also showing great interest in the foods that we were eating, by reaching out towards them and opening and closing her mouth in a chewing motion. Her tongue-thrust reflex was diminishing as well.
May seems to excited to try new foods too. She gets so happy when we place her in her booster seat. She's reached for the spoon a couple of times and wanted to put her hand in the bowl. Kind of like,"Ooh what's this?" or "You're going to slow, Mom. Let me do it." She also like exploring her booster seat and looking at her surroundings.
May has tried carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, bananas, oatmeal with peaches, and peaches, in that order. Now one thing I wish I would have researched more about the BRAT diet. That's bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. The diet is to help with diarrhea. Well May did not have diarrhea and in fact had the reverse. We stopped giving her the rice cereal has a result and switched to oatmeal with peaches. We also gave her prune juice. We're keeping a close eye on what we introduce to her now and we'll be sticking with the p's like peaches, pears, and peas. In regard to the foods she liked, she loved the rice cereal with banana and apple, carrots, bananas, peaches, and oatmeal with peaches. She did not like squash or sweet potatoes. She closed her mouth to those. We're thinking we'll try to re-introduce the sweet potatoes when she gets older.
Some signs that we saw her to to kind of signal to us she was ready for solid foods was that she can support herself while sitting and transfer objects from one hand to the other. She was also showing great interest in the foods that we were eating, by reaching out towards them and opening and closing her mouth in a chewing motion. Her tongue-thrust reflex was diminishing as well.
May seems to excited to try new foods too. She gets so happy when we place her in her booster seat. She's reached for the spoon a couple of times and wanted to put her hand in the bowl. Kind of like,"Ooh what's this?" or "You're going to slow, Mom. Let me do it." She also like exploring her booster seat and looking at her surroundings.