Happy Six Months!!!

June 13, 2013

We can't believe it. May is six months old. That's half a year! These pass six months have gone by pretty fast. From giving birth to her, to watching her lift her head up, to seeing her sit up and she's ready for solid foods. It's amazing. I'm still breastfeeding her too.

She knows where her most of her food is coming from, hehe.  She's also got a case of niplash. Rex will start dancing while I nurse her sometimes and she'll look up and smile. We've been thinking May has been teething for weeks now. She was drooling a lot a few weeks ago and literally drenching her toys. We've been giving her teething rings, some of which have been chilled in the refrigerator.  She chews on the rings and Rex says he can see two of her bottom teeth coming in. I only felt a bite once, May seems to be nursing alright. She also still lives sucking on her Soothie. We've also got some teething gel. Soon she'll be cutting some teeth.

Sleeping wise, May still gets up two to three times a night. We are starting to get more into a routine before bedtime, like a warm bath and feeding. In these next few months, we sure she'll move towards more sleeping through the night. We also got her a LeapFrog My Pal Violet toy. I like how the toy can grow as she grows. So far she just stares at the toy and it's almost as big as she is. She does seem to like the colors shining from Violet's collar though. We are encouraging May to crawl as well. Right now not really crawling. She can move from side to side however. She is reaching for everything and continuing to talk and sing :-)

Happy Six Months Miss May!

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