Gender Reveal Bust/Follow Up

July 10, 2012

We we didn't learn the gender of our baby yesterday or today. Yesterday my doctor got an injury and we unable to come in for that day. I had a different doctor today who told me it was too early to tell the gender. I think you can tell at this time but waiting a few more weeks will really distinguish certain parts. She also said that the heart would be more defined at a later date. The next time I see the doctor won't be until the fist week of August. I looked on Youtube and found a video about other gender reveals. I saw one where a couple thought the baby was a boy but found out 4 weeks later that the baby was really girl. That could have been us, "Hey we're having a boy oh wait never mind we're really having a girl."

The baby is doing very well though and is progression nicely. I gained 8 pounds since my last visit and I now way about 134 pounds. I was 14 pounds lighter before I got pregnant. The nurse checked the baby's heartbeat. It was not as easy for her to find it this time. She moved about my stomach with the doppler and found the baby on the other side of my tummy than where she had found the heartbeat before. The heartbeat this time was 145 beats per minute.

The doctor measured my stomach and it measured about 18 inches when she said is normal. She also told me about what I might be experiencing in the next stages of pregnancy. I'm not looking forward to nosebleeds. I haven't had a nosebleed in probably 2 years. I've been sneezing and had a stuffy nose during the pregnancy but thankful no nosebleeds and hopefully I don't get them.

Over the past couple of days I've been feeling a few flutters in my tummy and the doctor said that's the baby. I wasn't sure because the flutters weren't constant but she told me this is normal and that they'll become more constant as the baby gets bigger. The feel like little butterflies in your stomach. The first day I felt them was June 27th. I was 16 weeks and 4 days then. I'm happy that the baby and I are progressing well. I have had a few bouts with round ligament pain but nothing too major. I know some people want to keep the baby's gender a secret but Rex and I want to know. I really don't like calling the baby "it" so even when we reveal the sex, I'll say "We're having a..." rather than "It's a...."  Also he or she is so much shorter to say than "the baby" or "our baby," even though he or she is our baby :-)

Oh Rex and I have started choosing baby names. That will come out more once we know the sex. Believe me, if our baby turns out to be a girl, they will not be named nothing like Blue Ivy.

 My weight gain so far.

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