Boy or Girl?
July 08, 2012At first Rex and I both thought we'd be having a boy. Recently I've been thinking we are having a girl.
Just for fun, I found this quiz online that may be able to tell if you are having a boy or a girl. I'll tally up the score for either boy or girl. It's composed of 10 questions.
1) Highs and Lows- This one states if you're carrying high, then that means girl and if your carrying low that means boy.
Looking at my tummy, I'll say I'm carrying low, so that means boy.
2) Heart rate- According to the website, "140+ beats per minute indicates a girl, and below 140 a boy."
The first ultrasound was at 167 beats per minute, my last checkup 3 weeks ago was at 157 beats per minute, so I'll say girl.
3) Sweet and Sour- Craving sweet means girl, craving salty or sour means boy.
Though I've craved Raisinets recently, which is sweet. I'll have to go more with the salty and sour. I've been eating Frito's corn chips which are salty and Luigi's Real Italian Ice which is sour. I'll say boy.
4)Chinese Birth Chart- The chart can be found here.
Here's my result:
5) Potty Time- Take pee in a cup and pour some drano in it. Green = girl and blue = boy.
Did not do this one.
6) Even and Old- According the website "Legend has it that the Mayans determined a baby's sex by looking at the mother's age at conception and the year of conception. If both are even or odd, it's a girl. If one's even and one's odd, it's a boy."
I'm 25 now and the year is 2012. So one is odd and the other is even. This means boy.
7) Unlocking The Mystery- This calls for a pregnant friend to pick up a key. If the friend picks up the key by the narrow part this is for sugar and spice which I take is for a girl. If the friend picks up the key by the flat head this is for snips and snaps which I take is for a boy.
I asked my roommate if she could help me with this. She isn't pregnant, but I placed a key in front of her and she picked it up by the flat head. I'm sure she thinks I'm a bit weirder now. By picking up the key that way I'll say boy.
8) Spot On- If you're expressing breakouts like crazy, this means a girl. If your face is clear this means a boy.
I've struggled with breakouts for most of my life and now I am really breaking out. I'll say girl.
9) Nice Ring To It- Here you place a ring at the end of a string over your belly. If the string sways back and forth, it's a girl. If the string spins in a circle it's a boy.
I placed my engagement ring at the end of a string and it went back and forth. I'll say girl.
10) Queasy Does It- This states that if you were sick during the first trimester and still, then that means a girl and if you had little to no sickness than that means a boy.
For a good part of the first trimester I was not sick, I was just really tired. I did get nauseous though and I threw up a few times. I'm not sick at all now, so I'll say boy.
Adding up the score with the exclusion of one we have girl 4 and boy 5. Looks that one I excluded could be a deciding factor. As it looks now the gender is more in favor of a boy. If the Drano test indicated to girl, that would be a 50% chance of having a boy or a girl, which is pretty much how it is from the start. We're happy with whichever gender the baby turns out to be, and that the baby is healthy. This was fun to do nevertheless.