Standing Tall

February 03, 2014

For the past few days now, May has been gaining more and more confidence to stand on her own. I can never seem to get my phone out when she is standing on her own, but each time she appears to stand longer and longer.

When she stands, she likes to clap and I try to get her to take a few steps but when she goes to sit back down. My mom got her a V-Tech walker and May has been using the walker more. It's so cute seeing her push the walker around. I'm sure she'll be walking by herself in the new few months. I know she's going to walk on her own time. She still likes to walk around holding onto a hand or onto the furniture. I know that's another chapter when she masters walking. She mastered crawling and she crawls so fast. I'm sure when she walks, she'll be running not to far afterward.

May loves hearing her daddy's voice on the phone. Rex and I talk regularly on the phone and through text. He started a part-time job in Maryland recently, he's still looking for more full-time. I'm still looking for more full-time too. We both put in applications at so many places, and I've gone to about three temp agencies. We're keeping close while we are apart and really looking at our options. Ultimately we both know we all want to live in Maryland, we definitely more want to get things back to the way they were. To get more on our feet, but we also know, it won't happen overnight. Things financial have gone from bad to worse, but we know that at the end of the tunnel, there is a light.

I'm so thankful that we have places to stay, even though we are apart for the time being. I'm happy too that I can help my parents around the house, though I can't contribute much at all financially. They told Rex and I that they struggled when they first started out and Rex and I know this arrangement isn't permanent. We'll all be standing tall because when life kicks you down, you have to get right back up and keep going.

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