Bingo Night At The Elementary School

March 07, 2020

Yesterday night we went to May's Elementary School for a Bingo Night hosted by the PTA. It was a fun night and there were many parents and students and siblings there. The cafeteria where the event was held was packed. They even ran out of the markers used to splot the number when you have it on your bingo card.

The girls and I had to use pens. That was OK though because we were there to have fun and get out of the home. There was a raffle too for prizes and we did the raffle, there were also snacks, drinks, and sweets for sale at the event. The girls really like barbeque chips! There were a couple of times we came so close but with so many people there, there were actually mini duels for people who had bingo at the same time. May also spoke to some of her school friends and she introduced Nia to some of the friends too. Nia will be a Kindergarten there in the Fall of this year. The school was also doing a penny war between the grades and the jars were in the cafeteria. I gave some change to May and Nia to put in the jars. May knew to put those pennies in her 1st-grade jar.

We got bingo during the blackout round. Hehe. We didn't win any of the prizes though but we had a good time and the kids really enjoyed the event.

Here are some pictures from the event:

Ms. Nia with her bingo card.

 We were so close!

 May was great at keeping track of the numbers on her card.

 May took this picture. 

There were many rounds of Bingo. May was being silly. 

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