One Month Old/ Update

January 12, 2013

May turned one month on Thursday :-) She's doing great, she is so observant and alert. She had a growth spurt at about 3 weeks. I knew it when she would not stop crying. Rex was at work and I fed her, and rocked her and cuddled her but she would not go to sleep. It was a very long night. Finally she got to sleep around the early morning hours. I know they'll be many more. She gaining weight too. Those cheeks are getting chubbier. I'm breastfeeding and pumping and supplementing with a little formula. We've gone days without any formula and that's where we want to be. We supplement when my milk supply is low. It was low recently due to a bit of the baby blues. I was just feeling really overwhelmed and upset at not really leaving the house. I was too tired to eat at night too. It got better though and my milk supply is pretty good. In the morning my milk supply is the highest and I can get about 4 fl oz from my right and about 3 fl oz from my left.  It decreases throughout the day but I can get enough for at least two bags to store in the refrigerator. I read that it is more established around 6 weeks. I'm hoping my supply will stay around this way.

I've gone back to school, from the winter break. I'm done with classes and working on my thesis now so that I can defend in May and I'm looking to graduate this August. I won't be spending too much time away from May. I'll be going to the school two days a week and during those days she'll be with our babysitter. Our babysitter is though one of Rex's co-worker's. It's nice because she is not far away and she loves children. Rex is doing good at his job he's also looking at attending school and will be taking the SAT soon. He's studying for it currently. I'm wishing him luck :-)

I also celebrated my birthday on the 9th. I told May and she smiled. Rex had work from morning until the afternoon that day and I spent the day with May. Later that evening we left May with our babysitter and had a nice dinner at the local Applebee's.

Miss May at one month

 One month postpartum (side belly)

One month postpartum

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