Mother's Day 2015

May 11, 2015

Yesterday was Mother's Day and I just wanted to say hope all the mothers and the soon-to-be mothers had a wonderful day! Overall it was a very nice Mother's day for me. Rex had off from his job which was good because recently he has been working overtime and working on the weekend. We didn't really have much planned for the day, we all got to sleep in a little late, which was great. Rex suggested we go to a movie but I couldn't really decide on one to watch. I finally decided on Ex Machina which is a sci-fi film about robots. We knew we wanted to make more the afternoon showing so we drove to drop May off at her grandparent's in Adelphi and later we would go to watch the movie. Well when we got there many of family was there, all deciding on what to do for Mother's Day. They decided that we should all go to a buffet. Rex and I thought it was a good idea and I wasn't too upset about the movie because I wasn't really sure if I wanted to see Ex Machina anyway. There were about 17 of us going out for the buffet. We all left a little late though and we went to two buffets before we found one that packed. We had a good time though when we finally go to sit down and get some food. May and the other younger kids were so happy to see the fish pond before we sat down at the buffet we were finally able to eat at. It was a nice family outing.

Afterwards we went back to the house in Adelphi and chatted and watched an African movie. Before then I called my grandmother and my mother to wish them a Happy Mother's Day. I'm planning to take a trip back to New Jersey on the 22nd, to see them and attend one of my college friend daughter's birthday. Later that day, I was so tired. Nia is really starting to take more of my energy away. I'm now 31 weeks and she loves to do somersaults in my tummy. We can't wait meet her. I'll be having my final ultrasound on the 21st and that one we'll get to see how she's developed more and how many pounds she is. She'll be here soon enough :-)

Here's a couple of pictures from the day:

 Miss May and I

A pic before going in to the buffet

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