I've taken another break this blogging and life has been pretty hectic. The kids are still going to school and May will be entering kindergarten this Fall. I can't believe she's already at the stage for kindergarten. It was just 5 years ago when I held her small little self in my arms and now she knows how to write her own name and can read many words. She and Nia are both learning so much at the preschool they are going too and Rex and I are so blessed that we are able to keep them there and that their teacher is so understanding and strives for the best learning exercises in all the students.
Rex is doing well in his schooling for his electrical apprenticeship. He will be graduating next year. It's been a long, hard journey for him and he is really getting a wonderful understanding of the electrical structuring of commercial buildings. It's truly amazing what he tells me. I remember circuits to a certain extent when I was going to school for Meteorology but construction and what goes into the wiring is really something. I worry at times with the electrical currents but he and his team work hard to be safe and follow many procedures for safety on the job.
Speaking of which, I have been at my mental health facility job for over 6 months now. I am still an informatics specialist and I have continued to learn so much about mental health and further analyzing patient charts and information. I work with so many tools like the vWorkspace, Tableau, and SQL Server and I have been able to learn the material very quickly, which I am so thankful for. I am so thankful God's love and that I still have a clear mind. This world can get so difficult at times and there have been recent tragedies in the world, but Rex and I do so much to keep the family safe and protected and I pray for the same safety for every member of our families and friends and coworkers and acquaintances.
Each day is a new experience and a new chance to learn. Even with my current role, I'll be having to learn possibly JSON files, APIs, Javascript, and Python. I have some experience with Python but I really have been looking for more ways to have the material stick. Well, one experience with learning that I have always wanted to try and now I am trying with the children is gardening. Big transition right? It's more like indoor gardening but it's actually funny how it happened. I bought some onions from the store about a month ago and we had eaten some onions but there were a few we left in the kitchen near the window. Well, I noticed one onion had sprouted and I left it when I saw it a few days later the sprout was more sprouts from the same onion! I told Rex and he said we should plant it. I didn't know exactly what we should do to plant it but he said just stick it in some dirt, with a little water. So we went with the kids to Home Depot and got two pots (the kids picked out the pots) and some indoor potting soil, along with a water canister and tomato seeds.
As soon as we got home we planted our onion and tomato seeds. It was so fun with the kids:
Our sprouted onion!
May with the tomato seeds.
Nia helping to pat down the soil.
A tad bit of water.
Our proudly potted onion and tomato seeds.
Where we placed them for now.
We opened the blinds to let more sunlight get in and we watered both the pots, we a little bit of water, ever and every other day. A little over one week later we got this:
Our tomato seeds had sprouted and the onion is more upright! It's so amazing to see the veggies growing and May and Nia are so happy and excited to see the plants growing. It's a nice that they can be so hands-on and it will be very interesting in the next months to see the results. We are still living at the rented townhome but we hope to buy a townhome or house towards the end of this year or into next year. I know that many people grow their own fruits, veggies, and herbs and I remember eating veggies and fruits from grandfather and grandmother's garden. It's fresh and homegrown and our own little indoor garden! :-)