Today marks one week until Nia's delivery! I've actually be so anxious these last few days. I have my last pre-natal appointment on Thursday. Nia has been kicking and moving more at night, I know her space is getting smaller in there and she's getting more ready to enter the world. She'll be delivered at 39 weeks and 2 days. May was overdue and I had her at around 41 weeks and 4 days.
I'm supposed to go into the hospital a day early for lab work and monitoring. I don't think that will take long. It'll be on July 6th for that. The day of c-section Rex and I will drop May at her grandparents place and we'll go to the hospital so we can be there around 10:30 am. I will make sure I DO NOT eat or drink anything as I do not want to be sent home. I remember when I was pregnant with May. That was something I was avoiding then as well. I had to wait until the contractions where 4 to 5 minutes apart before we left for the hospital and even then I was worried they might send me back but I had to call the doctor too and they cleared me to go. Gosh that was hard waiting, especially when the pain started getting worse. This time around I am not currently experiencing contractions or water breaking or anything like that. There is still some pains from her pressing down on my pelvis and I definitely am going to the bathroom more frequently.
I am getting the house more clean every day. I know the time is coming but I am still slower because of how big and I and taking care of a very curious almost 3 year old. I have Nia's clothes laid out and I looked through most of the things we have. We actually have a lot of things that we saved when we had May and can use for Nia. I found my breast pump and it still works. I'm hoping I can breastfeed with Nia. It was hard at first with May but once I really had a natural way of being shown how to do it, it was smooth sailing. I did before that experience rock hard breasts and cracked nipples, oh it was fun but now that I am more aware it is such a healthy and natural way to feed a newborn and helps to develop such good bonds.
In the next few days Rex and I will be getting a few more things that we don't have currently, like Maxi pads, haven't had to use them in the last eight months. This time it doesn't look like we'll have a baby shower. We were iffy from the start about it. We knew we had a lot from May when she was a newborn and it's more just diapers and wipes that we'll need for Nia, plus the funds just aren't really there this time around. Our families and friends are all happily awaiting her birth though and May, her big sister, says "Sister, love sister," when placing her head on my belly. Half of me really can't believe that in 7 days we'll be a family of 4. Another part of me is ready to start taking care of Nia and May and take so many pictures and snuggle her.