We wanted to wish everyone a very happy and safe Halloween!!! We decided not to dress up this year but we are looking forward to next year and dressing May up in something cute and fun. Enjoy the night!
May is ten months old and she is getting so big. We took her to doctor's appointment a few days ago and the doctor said she is doing great! May is the 90th percentile for her height at 29 inches and she weighs 20 pounds. I'm still breastfeeding her, but more at night now, since I've been more out of the house. We've been experimenting with different foods, especially more finger foods. So far May likes Cheerio's, rice, spaghetti, yogurt, Gerber puffs and kidney beans. At first I was nervous to give her the rice and spaghetti but the doctor said as long as it's bite size she can eat it. May also has her two front teeth on the bottom too.
Rex kept saying she was getting her bottom teeth and the last few weeks we noticed she was biting on to more things. I got bit a few times when I was nursing her. Then there were her two bottom teeth. We really think she's been teething for months though. She was drooling at lot the last few months and at one point had a bit of a fever. May is still waking up about two times a night and during the day she's taking about two naps a day. Though the first one is very short.
May is such a fast crawler and she's still very talkative. She's been saying "Mama" for the past few days now. I really have to record it. When I first heard her say mama, I cried a little. She isn't walking yet but she's using anything to cruise around. She'll prop herself up and hold onto the coffee table, the couch, the TV stand, even our legs as we are walking. She doesn't really like to be in her walker and now more enjoys pushing it around. She's more playing with Violet now. We got the Leapfrog dog we got for her about four months ago. She'll clap to the tunes and sometimes she tries to sing along. Just two more months until she is one year. Wow.
Here's our beautiful princess:
Happy ten months May!!!
Rex kept saying she was getting her bottom teeth and the last few weeks we noticed she was biting on to more things. I got bit a few times when I was nursing her. Then there were her two bottom teeth. We really think she's been teething for months though. She was drooling at lot the last few months and at one point had a bit of a fever. May is still waking up about two times a night and during the day she's taking about two naps a day. Though the first one is very short.
May is such a fast crawler and she's still very talkative. She's been saying "Mama" for the past few days now. I really have to record it. When I first heard her say mama, I cried a little. She isn't walking yet but she's using anything to cruise around. She'll prop herself up and hold onto the coffee table, the couch, the TV stand, even our legs as we are walking. She doesn't really like to be in her walker and now more enjoys pushing it around. She's more playing with Violet now. We got the Leapfrog dog we got for her about four months ago. She'll clap to the tunes and sometimes she tries to sing along. Just two more months until she is one year. Wow.
Here's our beautiful princess:
Happy ten months May!!!