Back To Blogging and Big News!!!
April 25, 2015
Wow it's been almost a year since I last posted on the blog. I decided to take some time off and just got caught up in life. There so many changes since the last update I posted. We no longer live in Moorestown. We now actually have been living in Baltimore, MD since February. Back in December I applied for a job with a temp agency in Maryland and luckily I was able to get an interview a position with the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission in Laurel, MD. Rex as well was able to find work in DC, so all of us moved in with my sister-in-law in Maryland. We left the jobs we had in NJ and PA because we felt like even with the money coming in we couldn't get more on our feet. I am so thankful that we were able to stay with my family during the time. I remember when we first had to move back I was think it would only be a few weeks, it turned out to be about a year. May was also learning a lot at the daycare, though it was pricey having to pay over $200 each week.
When we first got back to MD, the position I had was more stable but Rex's was not as stable. It was ok because my in-laws were more able to watch May. I was a Buyer III working with contracts and memos and Rex was supposed to do more of the working in the hotel like he had previously done but the manager seemed to want to keep him more outside and in the cold. Now before we moved back to MD we also found out some big news that November. I am pregnant again! It was a shock. I had been at the document clerk job for four months when we found out and at first we both couldn't believe it. We had also tried to get insurance and change the car title to NJ while we lived in NJ but it was such a long process. I didn't even know how many weeks pregnant I was when we found out and we knew we had to really get the insurance. I was so nervous interviewing with the temp agency and going to the job, though I wasn't showing at all back in December. I'll say I was so tired during the first trimester and moody. Having a two year old, working and pregnant is a lot. I was also nauseous. When I told my parents they weren't immediately happy because they knew the situation we were in but they accepted and have been very supported. They said they are always there if we need them and that is so true. We waited until Christmas to tell my in-laws. We still didn't have insurance and I didn't know how far along I was. Luckily we were able to get insurance and I went to my first prenatal visit at 16 weeks pregnant.
Actually about 4 days before the appointment I had to go to the hospital due to food poisoning and a UTI. Rex had picked me up with May in the backseat after work and we went to Denny's in Laurel to eat. I had a burger and felt fine eating the burger. This was also around the time that we were getting everything together to move into our townhouse in Baltimore. Later that day I started to feel very sick and when I threw up once I thought, "Oh well I threw up when I was pregnant with May three times, on three separate occasions, so this much just be the first time." Well later in the night I could not stop vomiting. I was so weak and we had the insurance by then so we when to the hospital and I was still vomiting. We were worried because we hadn't had any prenatal treatment other than me taking prenatal vitamins. Luckily the baby was fine and we got to see the baby on the ultrasound just moving and kicking and doing flips. I had to be treated for dehydration, vomiting and the UTI which was surprising to me because I never had a UTI before.
Flash forward to March, we had into the townhouse in Baltimore, my assignment ended at WSSC and Rex had found work at the Baltimore Port, which he is still at. Now the townhouse is a two bedroom townhouse and for the moment Rex's , Farms is staying with us, Farms would also watch May when she a baby. The townhouse is located near the Baltimore Harbor, actually on the other side downtown Baltimore, and less than 5 minutes away from were my brother-in-law and his family lives. After my assignment ended I tried looking for outside work, I told my job and they seemed happy but work ran out for the assignment. I interviewed for another assignment, at that time 4 months pregnant, but lost that to a more experience candidate. I can see it's even harder finding work while pregnant. So I looked more for online jobs, much like I did during the first few months when we moved back to NJ and I think I might have actually found something legit and not a scam, working part time, rating ads. I have about 3 more months to go and I know that I'll be able to find something after the baby is born. Oh let me stop saying the baby. We are having another girl and we also have named her. Her name will be Nia Jane Sumo. Jane is the middle name of my grandmother and I've also liked the name of Nia.
For the time now, I watch May while Rex is at work, before my brother-in-law's girlfriend would watch May while both Rex and I were at work. We are still working to get more on our feet and we know we'll have our hands full even more when Nia comes. Thankful we are working together through all these twists and turns and we will continue to be working through all the humps that further await. At this current moment I am 29 weeks pregnant and May is becoming more and more aware of her sister to be as well as so is learning so many new words and songs. She's even starting to say "Gracias."
I'll be posting on the blog more. I'll have product reviews like before and I'll be really working towards that 30 before 30 list. Sometimes in life you must rest and when the time is right you'll see things fall into place.
Here's a couple a pictures from the past few months, enjoy :-)
When we first got back to MD, the position I had was more stable but Rex's was not as stable. It was ok because my in-laws were more able to watch May. I was a Buyer III working with contracts and memos and Rex was supposed to do more of the working in the hotel like he had previously done but the manager seemed to want to keep him more outside and in the cold. Now before we moved back to MD we also found out some big news that November. I am pregnant again! It was a shock. I had been at the document clerk job for four months when we found out and at first we both couldn't believe it. We had also tried to get insurance and change the car title to NJ while we lived in NJ but it was such a long process. I didn't even know how many weeks pregnant I was when we found out and we knew we had to really get the insurance. I was so nervous interviewing with the temp agency and going to the job, though I wasn't showing at all back in December. I'll say I was so tired during the first trimester and moody. Having a two year old, working and pregnant is a lot. I was also nauseous. When I told my parents they weren't immediately happy because they knew the situation we were in but they accepted and have been very supported. They said they are always there if we need them and that is so true. We waited until Christmas to tell my in-laws. We still didn't have insurance and I didn't know how far along I was. Luckily we were able to get insurance and I went to my first prenatal visit at 16 weeks pregnant.
Actually about 4 days before the appointment I had to go to the hospital due to food poisoning and a UTI. Rex had picked me up with May in the backseat after work and we went to Denny's in Laurel to eat. I had a burger and felt fine eating the burger. This was also around the time that we were getting everything together to move into our townhouse in Baltimore. Later that day I started to feel very sick and when I threw up once I thought, "Oh well I threw up when I was pregnant with May three times, on three separate occasions, so this much just be the first time." Well later in the night I could not stop vomiting. I was so weak and we had the insurance by then so we when to the hospital and I was still vomiting. We were worried because we hadn't had any prenatal treatment other than me taking prenatal vitamins. Luckily the baby was fine and we got to see the baby on the ultrasound just moving and kicking and doing flips. I had to be treated for dehydration, vomiting and the UTI which was surprising to me because I never had a UTI before.
Flash forward to March, we had into the townhouse in Baltimore, my assignment ended at WSSC and Rex had found work at the Baltimore Port, which he is still at. Now the townhouse is a two bedroom townhouse and for the moment Rex's , Farms is staying with us, Farms would also watch May when she a baby. The townhouse is located near the Baltimore Harbor, actually on the other side downtown Baltimore, and less than 5 minutes away from were my brother-in-law and his family lives. After my assignment ended I tried looking for outside work, I told my job and they seemed happy but work ran out for the assignment. I interviewed for another assignment, at that time 4 months pregnant, but lost that to a more experience candidate. I can see it's even harder finding work while pregnant. So I looked more for online jobs, much like I did during the first few months when we moved back to NJ and I think I might have actually found something legit and not a scam, working part time, rating ads. I have about 3 more months to go and I know that I'll be able to find something after the baby is born. Oh let me stop saying the baby. We are having another girl and we also have named her. Her name will be Nia Jane Sumo. Jane is the middle name of my grandmother and I've also liked the name of Nia.
For the time now, I watch May while Rex is at work, before my brother-in-law's girlfriend would watch May while both Rex and I were at work. We are still working to get more on our feet and we know we'll have our hands full even more when Nia comes. Thankful we are working together through all these twists and turns and we will continue to be working through all the humps that further await. At this current moment I am 29 weeks pregnant and May is becoming more and more aware of her sister to be as well as so is learning so many new words and songs. She's even starting to say "Gracias."
I'll be posting on the blog more. I'll have product reviews like before and I'll be really working towards that 30 before 30 list. Sometimes in life you must rest and when the time is right you'll see things fall into place.
Here's a couple a pictures from the past few months, enjoy :-)

May dressed as a bee a few days before Halloween
May's 2nd Birthday Party
The outside of our townhouse
Fun in the snow
Big sis and soon to be little sis
Me at 28 weeks pregnant at the park nearby our townhouse