Seven Months Old and Trip to the White House

July 13, 2013

May turned seven months old today. Gosh the time is flying by. She is getting bigger by the moment and like always amazes us everyday. I'm still breastfeeding her and she is showing no signs of wanting to wean. We are introducing her to more solids and she is enjoying more of the fruits. She is starting to figure out crawling more, but she's not quite crawling yet.  She also loves moving her arms up and down and is clapping.

It was a nice day today so we went to DC to the visit the White House. Rex and I also had off. It was hot out but the heat doesn't stop tourists from coming out to DC! This was the first time May has been to the White House and she seemed somewhat interested. She was looking around at the other tourists and the ground for the most part :-)  Here are a few pictures we took:

Since it was hot we decided not to walk to the Mall. We'll take her to the Mall another day. Right now there's renovation on the Washington Monument. It's been closed ever since the earthquake two years ago. When it reopens, we hope to take May in the Monument. Rex and I have never been in the Monument either, so that would be a new experience. 
We did however, walk around Lafayette Park and stopped to take some pics.

Keep smiling May!

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